martedì 30 maggio 2017

China trademark

Chinese Trademark Registration Protect today your Brand in China! Trova China Trademark. Get How To Trademark In China.

China trademark database, China patent database and related services including registrations and dispute resolution,trademark assistant. TMsearch is a service tool that provides trademark search, watch and management in China.

Search database for trademark registration and application by name, owner, number and the nice classes can be completed in a few simple clicks, with immediate. Free trademark search tool in China. If your trademark is available, our Chinese attorneys will file and process your trademark registration in China.

There are more trademark applications in China than anywhere else in the world. Process when registering a trademark in China. When you apply to register for a trademark in China , you normally need to go through the following steps: a. Submit the application form and other relevant. How to Conduct a Trade Mark Search in China If the trade mark remains under examination, i.

As China trademark law adopts the principle of registration priority. You have to register your trademark asap to protect your brand in China. What documents needed. No evidence of use is required upon filing of a trademark application. However, the Chinese trademark law protects unregistered trademarks if the mark is recognised as a well-known mark in China.

There is a separate trademark law in Hong Kong. With its headquarters based in China , It is dedicated to providing worldwide trademark , industrial design, patent and copyright registration services. Before even starting to prepare your trade mark registration application in China , it is vital to be sure that an identical or similar trade mark hasn’t been already registered in China. Today’s blog post is a step-by-step guide to how to use the China Trade Mark Office (CTMO) database to conduct preliminary trade mark research yourself. Goods and services are divided into classes (same as Nice Classification) and subclasses (peculiarity of the Chinese system).

Owners of registered trademarks have the ability to prevent others (i.e., their competitors, partners in China , we had clients that found out their trademark was registered by their supplier in China and other third parties) from using their registered trademark without permission. Foreign firms entering China should be aware that their trademark in Roman characters will not completely protect them against infringement. Registering the trademark in Chinese characters.

The same or similar trademark can be registered in Chinese characters by another business. Article Where a trademark in respect of which the application for registration is filed for use for identical or similar goods is a reproduction, imitation or translation of another person’s trademark not registered in China and likely to cause confusion, it shall be rejected for registration and prohibited from use. This is also key to a business’ profitability and image in.

With the improvement of Chinese legal system, today a China trademark gives the rights owner more exclusive rights than ever. China prohibits the import or export of any goods which infringes the intellectual property rights. A trademark owner is entitled to file a record with the General Administration of Customs of China in accordance with applicable provisions under Customs Law of People Republic of China.

Unlike registering a trademark in the United States, registering a trademark in China holds some interesting distinctions. China ’s laissez-faire attitude towards bad-faith trademark registrations has created a cottage industry for numerous “entrepreneurs”: individuals who register brand names belonging to foreign companies and then hold those brand names for ransom. Anyone who deals with China trademarks has run into this sort of trademark squatter.

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