Questo sito o gli strumenti terzi da questo utilizzati si avvalgono di cookie necessari al funzionamento ed utili alle finalità illustrate nella pagina di policy. I test a base D-I-S-C sviluppati da Geier nascono come strumenti di self assesment per dare particolare rilevanza alla consapevolezza di sè e dare valore alle differenze. Managing Director persolog Netherlands. Paul Donders is co-owner and managing director of persolog Netherlands. In addition, he is also internationally active as a speaker on leadership and personal development.
![Persolog test Persolog test](
Valutazione del Personale con DISC Personal Profile System. Il DISC è un modello descrittivo dei comportamenti che trae le sue origini negli. Become part of the persolog team! GmbH in Remchingen near Karlsruhe is a leading provider in the field of personality and personnel development. We work in the train-the-trainer sector as well as with medium-sized and globally active companies.
Il DISC non è un test di valutazione di un soggetto da parte di terzi. We make trainers successful Developing organizations through people How can people work together more effectively? Under this premise we develop learning instruments around social and personal competences for training, coaching, personnel development and company health management.
![Persolog test Persolog test](
Personality Factor Profile The secret of the private and worklife success bases on understanding yourself and others better and to recognize how the own behavior influences other persons. This profile is a learning aid for your personal development. The evaluation will be done automatically by the system. Disclaimer: All non-English versions of the website contain unofficial translations contributed by our users. They are not binding in any way, are not guaranteed to.
Obține o evaluare a stilului tău comportamental D. Pri izvajanju treningov, coachingov ali izbiri kandidatov je potrebno uporabljati originalne persolog materiale, ki jih kot certificirani trener dobite s trenerskim popustom. Wir machen Trainer erfolgreich Organisationen durch Menschen entwickeln Wie können Menschen wirksamer zusammenarbeiten? Unter dieser Prämisse entwickeln wir Lerninstrumente rund um soziale und personale Kompetenzen für Training, Coaching, Personalentwicklung und Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement. Oprindelig tog vi systemet til os for at kunne anvende det til rekrutteringsforløb.
Det seneste års tid har vi dog i højere grad også anvendt dem internt i forskellige teams og arbejdsrelationer. Richiede solo minuti e ti aiuterà a capire che cosa ti motiva e ti spinge e come allineare i tratti della tua personalità! Il valore di questo test è di 250€.
Welcome to persolog eport. You can order the questionnaires and reports for differente persolog models for your customers. The system will then create and send out the assessment reports. Professional and convenient ? Our Free DISC Personality Test will give you an instant estimate of your DISC personality profile based on to only short questions.
The DISC test will help you to rapidly gain insights into your blend of DISC personality and behavioral traits so that you can use that knowledge to better connect and communicate with others. S Persolog testiranjem zmanjšajte možnost napačne izbire kandidata, prihranite čas in denar: Kandidat izpolni vprašalnik (psihometrični test ). V roku dveh dni vam pripravim analizo oz. Predstavim vam prednosti, omejitve ter potencial vsakega kandidata (preference vedenja, razmišljanja in čustvovanja).
Pe lângă Profilul de Personalitate persolog , oferim numeroase alte instrumente destinate dezvoltării angajaţilor şi organizaţiei, în ţări din lumea întreagă.
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